Thursday, October 23, 2008

Take time to smell the roses if you don't have coffee.

So I was wondering what tragedy of my life to poke fun at for this post and decided while looking through some photo's I took this past 2 weeks that actually I could do a nice post. You know, pretend like I live in The Little House On The Prairie, kinda, with clutter, and practical clothes for running, and washing up liquid, but you know what I mean. I managed to (unknownst to myself) catch some nice pictures that mean a lot to me and show that it's not all fire and brimstone here! And sometimes it's ok to blog about, well, just stuff! Also it saved me sending the kids onto the roof to create a "scenario"!!!

Like having two kids who kill each other all day long but still love each other enough to want to spend the night together....

(They are *gasp* not mismatched pillows, she robbed his. But it probably wasn't a matching set anyways!)

Or realising your baby that you took home from the hospital not 3 weeks ago is able to blow bubbles, and loving it....

And these babies are still coming back to us. A pair this year. See, we can't be that bad!.....

The kids finding the halloween nightsticks and saying "Oh go on so, but turn the lights off"....because I secretly wanted to have a go too! Cathal on the left, Missus on the right!

And that seeing a moon like this, in this day in age, with all our technology and sparkly fandangles, still makes me gasp in awe (see, the prairie in me is coming out!!!)

I was just glad to have a decent camera on hand that could take the moon picture. For you unsavvy, it was, turn on, Auto, click, and pray for the best! I really must learn how to use that camera.

You know, for times like these....

Coffee anyone....???


jeany said...

What can say only "Sigh"
That was a very heart warming read hun :):)
Thanks for making me smile :):)
Ohh almost forgot to say i have tagged you ;)


Di's Dooodles said...

Neasa, what a lovely post - I was smiling the whole way through reading it!

Mandy said...

what a wonderful post, so lovely to read, and fantastic pics, hugs, mandyxx

Tigger's rambling said...

Great post and photo's :-)

Barbara O'Connor said...

beautiful pics to scrap there Neasa.
you should write a book!

Elisa said...

Great photos, Neasa!
& cute kids...

Di's Dooodles said...

Had to come back for a second look & to let you know that I left you an award on my blog