Today's after school conversation with Leah.
Leah: "I saw Hazel today"
Me: "Oh, who's Hazel?"
L: "No Mom, Haysel"
M: "What's a Haysel?"
L: "Nooooo MOM! Heysuls"
M: "Heysuls? I don't know what you mean."
L: (Tapping top of head) You know, the rain that hurts you on your head?"
M: "Oh, hailstones!"
L: (Rolls eyes) "That's what I said"
I really must pay more attention....
LOL Neasa, she is just adorable and that is a lovely story
That's so funny!
Will send a link of your post about trabolgan to DH, I'm trying to convince him we must go there!
lol when you got to haysel i thought she was talking about heysel! lol (in belgium)
Hee hee, that is too cute! :)
Great picture too! x
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