It never ceases to amaze me how we managed to climb to the top of the food chain. The stupidity on show somedays is just mindbogglingly frustrating. Like: people who overtake on a continous white line around a bend (I have seen this on numerous occasions and most recently yesterday-I was the car you were bearing down one Mr White Mazda, you know who you are) Or people who decide to overtake me when I'm turning right. Thankfully this has happened to me 'only' twice. Then there are the people who stand in the queue for 10 minutes and wait till their stuff is totted up to announce "Oh I just need some bread and milk, won't be a minute" You gotta be kidding me lady???.....
Todays example of this phenomemon goes like this. Quite a lot of families have moved into our area in Connemara over the last few years, with little or no Irish. They have tried their best with regard classes but an hour every month is not good enough. 2 of these ladies put themselves forward for the parent/teacher comittee. At the first meeting they were told not to say anything as the meeting was conducted through Irish. I'm not even going to get into how I felt about that. Anyways, it would seem that 'some' progress has been made....hmm... They recieved letters to ask them if they would be interested in Adult Irish classes and what level they would be interested in taking. Brilliant!!!! Only problem is, the letter arrived As Gaeilge....
I will be updating this list of Stupidity as I find examples. In the interest of fairness and unbiasness (is that a word? it is now) I will also be posting examples of when I myself have suffered the terrible affliction commonly known as "Baby Brain" or "Blond Moment" Like how half a tub of Vaseline 2 days before her christening, didn't, in fact, cure Leahs cradle cap. It just made her look like a greasy old man. I love you baby!!! The upside of that is I now know how to fix said Vaseline disaster! (Thank heavens for friends with kids...we should get together and write a book called "Damage Control"!)
Thats it from here folks. Thanks for listening to my ranting. Feel free to post any stupid actions you have seen in the comments box. I might even use them here to back up my point! Night night!